Why Some people are in Your Life.
People come into your life for different purposes- some for a season (in their moments of sorrows, trials or while they're yet to get a better option they love more than you ), some for a reason ( probably because of your beauty, protruding busts, your gorgeous curves or because they're hurting and so need a shoulder to rest on for a while ) while others come to stay forever.
Those who come to stay for a season leave immediately the season is over. Their departure hurts you but they themselves feel no pain of their own actions because they were never committed to you. They were there just to while away time. As they leave, they even make you feel guilty and responsible for why they hurt you.
More so, those who come for a reason don't stay beyond the satisfaction of their reasons for being in your life. By the time they have got what brought them into your life, by the time what attracted them to you are no longer there - for instance, your protruding busts that attracted them would've become tired and sagged from sucking by the children, or your beautiful face would've developed wrinkles: in other words, your gorgeous beauty would've faded- and so because these physical features of yours on which they based their choices and decisions are no longer there,( these are their reasons for being in your life ), they leave without looking back or considering how you might feel about their actions.
However, those who come to stay forever will love you for no reason.They will take you for who you're,accept you just as you are, not how they think you should be like. Whenever you're with them, you feel very free to dream aloud. They correct you with love. They're patient when you make mistakes. They don't hesitate to use these three sentences with the fear of God. These include "I am sorry. How can I make it better" whenever they're wrong, " Thank you " (for any act of kindness from you to them or for every little effort you make to make the home better,) and finally "I love you " (even when you appear unlovable towards them.) These people are ruled by a sense of humility. They will never take you for granted.
The above are categories of people who come in to your life and why they're with you.
Make no mistakes, all these people will appear very nice and trustworthy at the beginning and this may make it difficult for you to know who's for real. Some will even feign being religious when they know you're very committed to the things of God,they can even quote the Bible effortlessly so that you are tempted to believe they're from God. But with time you get to know them one by one. ( One way is to withhold sex from them until after marriage. Though this is not the only way because some can even tell you no sex before marriage because they're getting gratification from somewhere else). The essence is to trap you into their tricks.
However, in the end, it's only God that will give you the wisdom to tell who is who and why they're there in your life. May the lord guide you in your choice of a life companion and partner.