The Needy, not the Greedy, is the Object of any True Christian Giving
By Ogiri John Ogiri.
In recent times, perhaps accentuated by the current harsh economic conditions of our nation, some self-seeking profiteers, who have made a lot of money from the God enterprise in the past using God's name, have decided to adopt a more forceful approach to the collection of their perceived "entitlements" from the congregation, (many of whom are highly gullible and economically vulnerable) in order to continue to remain financially liquid in the highly volatile economy. The latest approach is to de-emphasize and deflect the focus of Christian giving and charity far away from the Needy to the greedy.
While this may mean nothing to the enlightened because they know better what the scripture says, it may not be so for those whose investments in Faith alone is higher than their investments in both Faith and Reason. It therefore becomes imperative to emphasize a few points that can help to give a proper perspective to the essence of Giving and Tithing in Christianity.
1. Fundamentally, any act of Christian giving that is directed away from helping the needy to the feeding of the greedy is an adulterated act of Christianity and should be rejected and abandoned by every true Christian.
2. For the record, the name "Christian" emanated from the communal living and generous acts of selfless charity to the needy by the apostles in Antioch. It did not originate from collection of tithes and offerings from the needy.
3. It is important for us to understand, therefore, that, the whole essence of Christianity is fundamentally centred on charity particularly to the less privileged so that any deviation from this amounts to a subtle, mischievous violation of the basic tenet of true Christianity as handed down to us by the early church. Giving under subtle compulsion is a dangerous self-seeking christian practice which is not of God but of god of men preaching from many pulpits in the Christian churches today.
4. The essence of Christianity is charity, compassion, mercy and love of God and of others. (Cf. Micah 6:8-10, James 1:27-28, Matthew 25:35-45. 1 Timothy 5:8, John 13:34-35, Deuteronomy 14:22-30).
Note: whenever you read Malachi 3:8-10, always relate it to Deuteronomy 14:22-30 if you want to understand why God wants you to bring your tithes to His storehouse. God wants you to bring your tithes to His storehouse so that they will be enough food for the needy namely the orphans, widows, sojourners and the Levites ( because they have no inheritance in the land). It suffices to say that one of the biggest acts of Christianity you should proudly and cheerfully pursue and practice as a Christian is selfless charity to the needy or the less privileged.
I said "cheerfully" because Christian giving is still voluntary and it is to be done voluntarily and cheerfully, not out of fear of non-existing curses and punishments.
6. One conclusion I would like draw here is this: refuse to be surrendered to the manipulative and blackmailing teachings of greedy "gods of men" who are driven, not by the love of God, but by the expansion of their personal pursuit of money organized into business empires camouflaged in garbs of Christian churches.
Go therefore and be a cheerful Christian attending to the needs of the needy, for this is the whole syllabus upon which the final examination questions will be based on the last day when Christ will come. "For I was hungry, you gave me food; thirsty you gave me water; naked you clothed me; homeless you welcomed me; sick you visited me; in prison, you came to see me... Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do to me".
(Cf Matthew 25:35)
Dominus vobiscum!
© Ogiri John Ogiri