The Wonders of Books.
The Wonders of Books
by Ogiri John Ogiri.
Books form a part of the greatest legacies of human civilization bequeathed to man by successive generations of men and women with great intellectual endowment and writing artistry.
Indeed,when books are opened, we discover we can fly to lands far away from ours. Through books, we get to have the best intellectual intercourse with great minds of yesterday. I am indeed humbled by books.
A book is another world created by man, carefully carved by his pen, painted by ink, hidden in black and white amidst chapters, paragraphs and sentences but enclosed on two fronts by beautiful covers. It is a masterpiece of the human intellect.
In books are found great repositories of indisputable solutions to man's problems as well as answers to his perplexing interrogatives about his own existence. The secrets behind shipbuilding, aircraft's manufacturing, automobile design and building and in fact, all other human technological inventions are hidden in books. A journey, however short,into the borderless world of books is indeed a memorable one.
Books are wonderful indeed!