Anyone teaching or praying back-to-sender does not understand Christianity.
Evil/satanic forces exist. Human beings employ the services of satanic powers to do harm to other humans. These are absolute facts. Believe it or leave it.
Consequently, a Christian should pray against evil forces. Jesus teaches us that in the "Our Father" which is a deliverance prayer because it says, "deliver us from evil" (Matthew 6:9-13 & Luke 11:2-4). Paul also gives us a clear teaching on praying against evil powers (Ephesians 6:10-18).
A very wrong but ironically famous way of praying against evil is what has become known as "back to sender (BTS)." It simply means the evil another person sends to harm others should go back and harm the sender (the person who sends it).
BTS is famous among Christians and even some clergy pray it and teach and lead others to pray it. All of that is the result of ignorance.
Back-to-sender is against the will of God and a contradiction of Jesus' teaching. It is not a Christian prayer. In fact, it is no prayer at all but voodoo (like casting a spell on someone or sending harm to another person).
Back-to-sender is asking God to do to another person the evil the person wants to do to you. It is sending God to harm another person who has sent Satan to harm you.
By praying "back to sender," you become the same as the person who sends evil your way; and you are trying to make God behave like Satan, who is sent to do harm to another person.
It is satanic to do or send harm to another person. Therefore, asking God to return harm to the sender of harm is a satanic behaviour, and the same as asking God to behave in a satanic way.
The Christian way is to ask God to protect you and not let the evil sent to you to succeed in harming you. Then, you request God to save the human sender of evil and lead him to repentance and salvation. That is the meaning of loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44).
If God protects you from the evil that another person sends against you and God saves the evil person too, both you and the evil doer have gained the favour of God. You both become a gain to God who gains nothing from the death or destruction of an evil doer (Ezk. 18:23). If God saves both of you, the devil loses, but you gain your life and safety, the evil person gains forgiveness and a chance to be saved, and God gains both of you.
The first (back-to-sender) is hatred-for-hatred, which is vengeance. The second is love and forgiveness for the one who wishes you harm.
To love those who hate you and pray for the good of those who wish you harm is the hallmark of perfection (Matt. 5:48).
It is a sin to pray back-to-sender
© Fr. Robert Agbo, 2023