A Letter To The Ladies/Women of My Generation

Photo credit: Cara Soulia Photography.

Dear Ladies/Women,

Before he got married to you, he had a family- a father, a mother, a brother(s) and a sister (s). He loves them.They're still his family. Why do you now think that he should suddenly deny them and live like he never had one just because he married you? You want him to stop his brothers and sisters or even his parents from visiting. You want him to drive them away whenever they come around.You want to be in the house alone. For your information, except for a negligible number of some undiscerned men who may dance to your every wish however bad or immoral it may seem just to please your fleeting ego, many learned, morally-inclined men with progressive mindsets will never support you. I will never support you too.  Asking your husband to suddenly develop hatred for his family because you're now his wife, chasing them away from his house whenever they come around ( and some of his brothers and sisters or parents come around because they have nowhere else to go and no one else to visit) is like asking a foetus to let go of its umbilical cord. It is never going to happen.
Do yourself a favour. If you want to live happily with your husband, drop that hate. Stop being unjustifiably hateful of his brothers and sisters or parents. Instead, love his people, be nice to his brothers and sisters or parents no matter what so that one day when your husband goes wild, ( every man is capable of going wild with anger, debauchery, fleeting madness etc), at least, you can have someone in his family to run to. One of the best ways a man can love his children is by loving their mother. But one of the best ways you can love your husband is by loving his family members. Ladies/women, calm down so that you don't shoot yourself in the leg in the end. There is still tomorrow. You don't know what it will bring yet.

©Ogiri John Ogiri.


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