Mid-day reflections
By Ogiri John Ogiri
When Jesus went missing in Jerusalem, his parents searched for him and after three days had passed, he was found in the synagogue teaching the wise. He was found doing his father's work.
My dear friends in Christ, where do people always find you? What do they always find you doing? What do they always hear you talk about?
Lord, help me to be found in your presence always. Let me be found doing the right thing at all time. In the office, at home, among people, let me always dwell in your presence doing your work which are to teach others, helping them to acquire knowledge, wisdom and understanding, feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the prisoners, open my home to the destitute, listen to, and comfort the worried, give peace to troubled souls, encourage the weak, and love the unloved. In everything, help me to work and live for charity so that on the last day when you shall come, I can be prepared to sit for and pass the final examination which syllabus is fundamentally centred on charity.