Against The Use of Artificial Sex Enhancers
Photo credit: By Ogiri John Ogiri I just don't understand why a full-grown man would have to depend on sex enhancers in order to satisfy his woman. Cases of men dying on top of their women while making love have been reported more in this era than in the era of our forebears. Men, why should you kill yourselves fast by taking sex enhancement drugs before having sex? Do you think you can win any laurel for being the best sex performer? Oh, you want to show her you are a man. I have never read or heard about the existence of any Nobel Peace Prize for Sex. This thing is not by force. If you cannot satisfy her using your natural ability, let her be. The female vagina has never been conquered by any man before. You can only do your best and leave the rest to God. So, why the competition? What are you trying to prove? If you must know, the female vagina is a hollow organ,a bottomless ocean that can never be emptied or conquered by any man in this world. Yet, th...