What to Remember When You See Me in Need

By Ogiri John Ogiri

I don't have to look poor or rich before you help me
I don't have to come from the same hometown with you before you help me.
I don't have to speak your language before you help me
I don't have to attend the same temple,
synagogue, church or mosque before you help me
I don't have to be related to you before you help me. I don't have to have all the certificates in the world before you help me.
Just help the humanity that I represent.
Helping to give me a job won't stop your salary from coming.
Don't look at my family. Just think about humanity and help. Think about human love and help. If you help me, you help a community because I represent it. You help my country because I represent her.
This is what should occupy your mind always.
Your next-door neighbour can only empower others economically when he/she is empowered by you when you still have an opportunity to help.
©Ogiri John Ogiri.


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