In favour of Technological Development
I have been ruminating over this, that, if only we, Nigerians, read and understood Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, (the base subjects of technological innovation,) with the same fervour and frequency with which we read, understand and preach the Bible and the Qu'ran; if we spent our long nights doing researches the same way we spend them keeping vigils in religious houses; if we fought for development and good governance with the same motivations and united fronts with which we fight for our religions and politicians; if we built more industries and technological research centres than we build churches and mosques; if we gathered together and raised funds for the purpose of empowering at least five (5) entrepreneurs every week in every church and mosque more than we raise funds to build cathedrals and erect the most expensive mosque with the most towering minaret; the country would be better for it; the country would move to the top of the world's development table as a highly developed country. We must not forget that the most religious countries are not necessarily the most powerful and developed countries in the world.
What is taking us so long? I am a Nigerian and I want to leave the country better than I met it. I just need to be given an opportunity. I am an entrepreneur; I can help to de-escalate my country's economic crisis of unemployment and create more entrepreneurs through job creation and mentorship programme. I just need the right economic environment and the right motivation from the government to operate. I am Ogiri John Ogiri.