Let Love Lead
I am not so much interested in advancing the age-long divisive debate about the superiority or otherwise of one religion over another as I am with how love can triumph over evils in an environment as endangered as ours. It has become conspicuously obvious that Religious Supremacism has failed the human race as a unifying ideology. On the other hand, what it has successfully achieved is a relegation of love to a level of emotional inactivity in a world frozen with hate and needing so much love. I have so far observed that love is the most endangered emotional phenomenon in our society today. Love is fast becoming an orphan and a loner in my society. If only our love for one another as humans could surpass our love for religion, the world would be a better place. I am convincingly certain that love is wider than religion. Love has no religion:humanity is its God and human happiness its end. Only true love can achieve the kind of cohesion that religion has failed to achieve over the last century. Let love lead!
Killing your country man or woman for God or in the name of God does not make you a righteous faithful or an obedient adherent; it only shows that you are an unrighteous and a misguided religionist. Only an insecure and a misguided religionist can brutally kill his fellow man or woman for God. Do you really think killing your neighbour will get you to Paradise? No it will not. Stop deceiving yourself.If your religion teaches you to kill in order to make heaven, then you need a new religion.
Yet, underlying this insatiable propensity of man to kill his fellow man or woman in the name of God is a lack of love. You can only measure your love for God by how much you love your neighbour.
©Ogiri John Ogiri