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By Ogiri John Ogiri

You're an Idoma lady, your parents are both Idoma or at least your father is an Idoma man. Then suddenly you form a negative opinion about men from Idoma perhaps because you had an unpleasant experience with just one of them, may be your father or your boyfriend. Then you hastily jump into the conclusion that all Idoma men are bad; therefore you can't marry an Idoma man. The question is, are you better than your mother who chose to marry your father who gave birth to you? Note this, if your father failed in his responsibility as a man, it doesn't mean that our fathers failed too.So young lady,tackle your father. Don't use him as a yardstick to measure how good or bad other Idoma men will be. My own father did his best. As his son, I'll equally do my best.
 Marriage is a choice. You can go as far as Tibet to chose your spouse but stop denigrating Idoma men. Stop making unsubstantiated, unverifiable generalizations about Idoma men. If you must know,many Idoma women are proud getting married to men from Idoma. Your unpleasant experience with just one Idoma man, therefore,cannot be adequate to substantiate your claim that all Idoma men are bad and therefore you can't marry an Idoma man. At least,you should have dated all Idoma men covering the nine local government areas of Benue State including those in diaspora for such a claim to hold water. Otherwise, you're guilty of hasty generalization.
It is,honestly, nauseating to hear a young Idoma lady announce to the whole world that she can't marry an Idoma man. I know of one thing,many young ladies of Idoma extraction who make such utterances against Idoma men are often products of unloved relationships and broken homes. A well-trained Idoma girl would never say such a thing about men from her tribe. 
She knows there are only two men in the world; Idoma man and others.
Obviously, I'm not against an Idoma lady or woman marrying an outsider but I'm against "I can't marry an Idoma man" becoming a kind of responsorial psalm on their lips, discouraging others from marrying their kinsmen out of wrong generalizations about the men.
©Ogiri John Ogiri.


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