Be Moderate In Your Spending This Season
By Ogiri John Ogiri.
In my few years of sojourning on earth so far, I have come to observe that, women are like beavers or what we know as grass cutters. The more we hunt for them, the more we will catch. And the more we catch them today, the more we think they will be none as big and beautiful as the ones we already have caught today, until we go into the wild tomorrow and discover the folly of our insatiable hunting expedition because there are more beautiful and bigger ones out there in the jungle.
" Ihimihi" is like that. The truth is, the more you live, the more the number of Christmas you will witness. However, in all this, you will learn that there has never been and may never be anything called the best Christmas celebration so far. This is because your conception of which Christmas celebration is the best is only limited to the ones you have celebrated. Wait until the dawn of another December and you will feel like no Christmas has ever happened before that one.
Moreover, what we may consider as the best Christmas celebration exists in so far as relative experience exists for many people. This is because, what appears to be the best for you may not be so for another person regardless of how much may have been spent and enjoyed.
This is why we have to be wise in our spending this season.
The crux of my submission, therefore, is that, there is no need to stress, fight, begrudge, kidnap or kill one another or even steal because of a fleeting pleasure derived from this annual celebration of an unending Christmas. Yes, if you can afford it, then, " bon appetit!". Enjoy yourself. But if you cannot afford it, then, eat whatever is available and that you can afford. Let your children wear whatever clothes they have. Just iron them and they will look smarter. As long as you can conveniently feed, house, clothe and educate your family, you are doing very well.
As we celebrate another "Ihimihi" ( Christmas), I hope we learn to be moderate in the spending of our meagre resources. January 2023 is a long journey away from here. So, spend within the boundary of your budget. More Christmas seasons are still coming ahead.
Happy celebration in advance.
(C) Ogiri John Ogiri.